Ocean Renewable Energy - 2021

The Northeast Sea Grant Consortium, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office and Water Power Technologies Office joined together to fund a research competition in 2021. The competition sought proposals to improve understanding of the effects of ocean renewable energy development on coastal communities, including the fishing industry. This includes wind and hydrokinetic wave, current, and tidal energy in the U.S. Northeast, from New York Bight to the Gulf of Maine.

The funded research projects aim to catalyze social science and technology research in the Northeast that will further our understanding of the effects of ocean renewable energy on community resilience and economies. Through this research competition, the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium and its funding partners are providing a regional approach to supporting objective research on ocean renewable energy across stakeholders, including developers, communities, and fishers, etc.

The selected projects were collectively awarded over $1.1 million in federal funds, with each project matching 50% in non-federal funds. The two-year projects have roots across the Northeast:

Sea Grant Offshore Wind Energy Liaison Initiative

Based out of Rhode Island Sea Grant, the Sea Grant Offshore Wind Energy Liaison Initiative builds the offshore wind energy (OWE) understanding and capacity of the National Sea Grant Network and enhances collaboration and communication between Sea Grant and its partners. While this is a national effort, this website is currently focused on the Northeast. The geographic scope of this initiative will expand in the coming months (2022).


Fisheries and Offshore Wind Interactions RFP - 2024


American Lobster Initiative